How To Change Your Ways and Love All People
You know as good as I do that the world we currently live in is in a sorry state of affairs.
Not only are we in the midst of a global health pandemic, half of Australia’s forests almost burned to the ground and most importantly police brutality is yet again enforcing grievances in the U.S against Black American citizens.
No sort of explanation can excuse racial injustice in today’s world, there are simply no excuses.
Just witnessing an act of injustice is no longer good enough.
Honesty and love for one another is what this world needs, and not just right now, but forever. Take from this what you will just understand that some voices are more powerful than others and in this case, you too have a powerful voice, so use it…
Introduce Empathy To Your Life
Empathy – The ability to understand & share the feelings of another.
Not enough of us truly understand the meaning of empathy, quite evidently too as you and I watch parts of the world quite literally burn to the ground. Everything is getting to it’s breaking point in 2020 and you wonder why?
Australia’s lush forests had enough.
Greta Thunberg had enough.
The beautiful Black citizens of America and all across the world have had enough.
The planet has had enough, we’re not caring for one another at all and the results are proving fatal, our oceans, our forests and our people are getting sacrificed every day and it doesn’t have to be that way.
The ability to understand and share the feelings of another human being is exactly what we all need more of right now, clearly.
Think of it this way, just because an act of injustice to another human being of any form doesn’t directly affect you, does not mean it’s not wrong.
And that’s exactly where you should practice your empathetical skills and place yourself in the victim’s shoes, for you wouldn’t allow any wrongdoings by you so why by someone else who’s equally as valued as you are?
What you need to understand is that with social media in today’s world we all have a public platform to exercise empathy for one another, an even bigger voice to display compassion & love, but most of all a second chance to make things right.
Have you seen the video clips of the police officer in America patrolling the protests? He too feels misrepresented by the what’s going on in the states right now, unarmoured himself of all things police-related and started marching with the Black Lives Matter protestors because he’s put himself in the shoes of the victims.
Black is Brilliant, We Are All Brilliant
The image portrayed to you throughout your life about Black people and our culture might sound something like this “troublemakers is all they are” or “most black people smell weird”, “they don’t even comb their hair properly”, these are just a couple examples of the negative narratives cast over us by the backwards system. These negative stereotypes are bled into the youth of society from a very young age ( I’ve been on the receiving end of all of those stereotypes above!) and then it’s left up to you to decide wrong or right.
Or better yet, here’s a couple of ‘positive’ narratives you may be familiar with “ See that black player they on their team? I bet he’s an animal and goes through us all today” or “ She has an Afro AND she’s Black? No doubt. she’s the best singer in the choir today”.
You see what I am getting at? You may be naive to the hurtfulness these narratives derive but let me tell you, they hurt.
We’re not all the same person.
Try getting to know us!
Just like you, and the lady in your local butchers this morning, the Uber driver who got you from work today and everyone else on this planet, we are all unique in our own ways, we are all brilliant.
Don’t allow the cracks in society to steer you into hatred & defensiveness. If you think you have some sort of stereotype or false narrative about another human, what you should do is talk to them & understand their boundaries.
Let’s ride out the tough times together, as one. Only then will we taste the sweet juice of unified liberty!
Black Lives Matter
“But don’t all lives matter?”
You’ve probably thought this yourself at least once right? Sure it’s even crossed my own mind not too long ago. To some this query comes across as harsh, criticising and very selfish, which it can be.
In reality, it boils down to poor education.
Again going back to the systematical education we’ve all went through in this corrupted western world, that has taught us selfishness on a macro level. An ’educational’ system that also completely neglects the racism unnecessarily jeopardising the lives of Black people globally, and at best will devote a 5-page chapter to our ancient culture.
A discrimination that white people simply do not experience.
Therefore to say ‘All Lives Matter’ erases the experience of Black people – which ‘Black Lives Matter’ highlights. Black people are treated as though their lives don’t matter, white people less so. Dr Ali Meghji
The Black Lives Matter collective is a movement officially commenced in 2013, and it ain’t going nowhere anytime soon. It’s worldwide, and what we have peacefully fought for up until now is just a speck on the blank page of what’s about to come …
By combating and counteracting acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination & innovation , and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.
Final Thoughts
These matters mean a lot to me and that’s why I’m sharing with you my feelings because you also matter to me and it’s a horrible thing to make someone or better worse an entire race feel like they don’t matter.
Unfortunately if you are reading this and you are white, you have privileges that I don’t and your voice will be listened to more than mine.
All I can ask is that you fight for what’s right, and do the right thing.